Some thoughts about bats
Bats in various parts of the world, including North America, are at risk from a lethal fungus that is killing them in droves. Elizabeth Kolbert has written eloquently about this in The New Yorker. We...
View ArticleCain, Cows, the Economy and the Environment
Herman Cain unleashed an advertisement in Iowa, claiming that the EPA’s plans to regulate methane from cows and dust from farms would be the death knell for Iowa farmers. Truth, or even truthiness, as...
View ArticleIs Neuroscience the Death of Free Will?
So reads the title of a recent opinion piece in the New York Times by Professor Eddy Nahmias. It warrants a bit of attention if not for its substance, then at least for what it illustrates about the...
View ArticleToo Much Information, Not Enough Knowledge
If you wanted to disappear, where would you go? A small town in southern Utah is a good bet, at least according to its reclusive inhabitants. Yet they know that their days of being off of the...
View ArticleWild-ish: Self and Community on the Trail
A lot of wilderness narratives go like this. A man walks alone into the woods/desert/mountains. He confronts nature in all its glory and terror. He barely escapes grave danger and returns to tell...
View ArticleLance Armstrong and Our Illusions
Lance Armstrong “gave up his fight against doping accusations.” This is how it is being reported, based on Armstrong’s bristly and defiant letter of concession. Presumably, Armstrong thinks that he...
View ArticleSustainability and Equity in a Climate Changed World
A small group of environmental law professors gathered recently for a two-day workshop on the concept and practice of sustainability. I was asked to lead a discussion about the relationship between...
View ArticleThe Anthropocene: Everything and Nothing New
We have been kind of quiet here at brazenandtenured. Maybe it’s better that way. A friend of mine once disclosed that his goal as a professor was to write as little as possible as well as possible....
View ArticleEarth Day, Dog Whistles, and Zero Sum Politics
The Supreme Court’s decision today in Schuette v. Bamn would seem to have little to do with Earth Day. The Court, in a fractured majority decision, upheld Michigan’s voter-enacted ban on race based...
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